
People First

Users, colleagues, customers: at Thanks we have a people-first approach. Understanding them is the key ingredient that gives direction to our work.


End-to-end attitude, lean mindset and agile practices to maximize value for the end-user.



We believe that design should start from people, from their needs, desires and behaviors. We involve users at every stage of the process: research, prototyping, testing and launch.



We are always focused on the value our solutions can generate for our clients and their users.


Agile Specialists

We specialize in integrating UX design methods in Agile and Scrum contexts.


Lean Mindset

We move quickly, experimenting often, validating our assumptions with real data, and learning from our mistakes.


End-to-end attitude

We support our clients at every stage of the design process, from envisioning to market launch.


At Thanks, we share a set of values, which guides our work day after day.


Understanding is the basis of every project. We work to understand the needs and expectations of our clients and their users in order to offer effective and satisfactory solutions.


Empathy is the ability to put yourself in the other person’s shoes, to feel what you feel and to see what you see. This helps us create experiences that resonate with people.


Attention is the detail that makes the difference. We pay attention to every aspect of our work, from research and design to development and testing, to deliver experiences that are always smooth and fulfilling.

Being Open

Being open means being ready for change, experimentation and innovation. We are always open to welcome new challenges, new technologies, and new ways of doing things.


Authenticity is the attitude of being who we are. Every day we strive to cultivate a work environment where we can be ourselves while respecting others.


Inclusiveness is a key element for us. We want to create products that are accessible, usable and enjoyed by everyone, without discrimination. We want to help create a more inclusive world.


Collaboration is the driving force behind our creativity. We collaborate with our clients, involving them in every stage of the project. We work in teams and guilds, sharing ideas, feedback and expertise, to grow and learn together every day.


Being practical is what sets us apart. We don’t just imagine solutions, we make them real, feasible and sustainable, working alongside development teams.


Design Eye

A user-centered iterative model consisting of 4 phases: research, hypothesis, development, and testing. Each of these phases is developed sequentially around the project objectives and the user, taking into account the brand, technological constraints, and the target market.



Objectives are the fulcrum that guides the entire project path: without them, it is not possible to start the project. In order to determine them, the target audience, market, available technologies and existing competitors should be analyzed, with the aim of identifying needs and new opportunities.



The purpose of research is to understand the user's behaviors and needs, as well as all that information about the context of use, the product and competitors already on the market.



Hypotheses are statements of possible solutions to needs, known problems or, in general, to predetermined goals. The effectiveness of the solution-which may consist, for example, in the implementation of a new feature-must be confirmed or refuted through tangible feedback, stated in advance in the hypothesis itself.



In the development phase, we create the actual product, with the functionality and features stated in the design assumptions. Within it we find the design of the information architecture, the design of the interface, and the coding phase.



In the testing phase, with the help of various metrics and methodologies, it is possible to measure the user experience of the product and validate the design hypotheses. The results of testing will determine the next steps in the design process.

Get in touch

Let's design your next project together