Foorban - mobile app - Design and develop a digital restaurant and food delivery service

Think - Create

Transforming the lunch break in Milan into a unique experience for all lovers of gourmet and healthy cuisine.

  • Services

    Service Design
    UI Design
    Product Design
    Experience Mapping

  • Areas

    Food Services

We assisted Foorban in creating an innovative digital restaurant and food delivery application.
The solution developed at the end of the design process is an integrated system that includes:

  • An Android app, an iOS app and a website intended for end-users.
  • A web app dedicated to order management and fleet coordination.

About Foorban

Foorban represents an innovative online food delivery service model that integrates cooking and logistics. Every day, through the selection of the freshest, healthiest ingredients with guaranteed provenance, Foorban offers a diverse menu. Foorban chefs adopt innovative cooking methods, supported by advanced logistics and careful analysis of culinary trends. The constant search for quality, balance and flavor characterizes the work of Foorban chefs.

A key aspect for Foorban is the sustainability of its processes: in order to minimize waste, a portion of the production is donated every day. Thanks to specialized means, Foorban ensures quick delivery. Attention to detail is a priority for Foorban, ensuring an exclusive experience in terms of quality, taste and service.

Design process

We can identify four basic pillars that determined the success of this project:

  1. The complete definition of the service and the study of the user experience, from pre-order to post-experience.
  2. The communication of the uniqueness of Foorban’s offer through all available digital touchpoints.
  3. The implementation of an order management system based on geolocation of customers and riders.
  4. The creation of brand identity characterized by a unique and authentic look & feel that conveys Foorban’s values across all service touchpoints.

The team

The team included designers from Thanks and developers from Mia-Platform, joined at every stage of the project by Foorban’s founders. We operated in two-week sprints, and each design decision was the result of interaction with the entire team.


The research

The research phase was characterized by an in-depth analysis aimed at understanding the needs of the main user segment Foorban targets: workers in the central areas of Milan. Next, we developed an overall view of the service, outlining the individual touchpoints and users involved, both front-stage and back-stage. Through more detailed customer journeys, the strengths on which to base the experience gradually emerged. In parallel, the work of analyzing the other competitor players present in the Milan scenario was fundamental, both in defining Foorban’s brand identity and in understanding the experiences offered by competitors to their users.

Hypothesis and development

From the research phase, we outlined the overall service framework, user stories, and blue map, which served as a guide for the entire project. Our design proposal based on user stories continued to evolve and adapt over the next four months of work.

The development phase was characterized by a constant dialogue between Mia-Platform designers and developers. On the design side, we focused on defining the brand identity and user interface for iOS, Android, and the website. We created an ad hoc iconographic language that could communicate the full range of Foorban’s offerings. The UI design was developed around two key elements:

  1. Usability and a natural interaction.
  2. The focus on the product, emphasized by the beauty of the photographs of the meals: we wanted a layout that would also stimulate the users’ sense of taste.

The goal

During the four months of work, at the conclusion of each sprint, we conducted tests on application releases. As soon as it was possible, we subsequently conducted global tests of the service, involving both the kitchen and the riders. This allowed us to validate what we developed and proceed to the release of the first iOS and Android beta versions on the stores, which took place in April.

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