Agile Reloaded - Human Reloaded web portal - Revolutionizing the world of corporate learning

Think - Narrate - Create

Designing the brand and website of Human Reloaded: a new entity of Agile Reloaded, which was created to change the way learning is done in corporations.

  • Services

    UI Design
    Experience Mapping
    Design Thinking
    Brand Design

  • Areas

    Education & Training

In-company training is one of the fundamental elements for all those companies that make constant learning and continuous innovation their driving force.

Human Reloaded was created to design tailor-made training paths, capable of looking as much at people’s growth objectives as at those of companies.

About Agile Reloaded

Agile Reloaded is the Italian company for agile coaching. Founded in 2014 by a group of enthusiasts and experts in agile methods and practices, the company has grown to become a reference point in Italy on the topic.
Nowadays, Agile Reloaded is present in several European regions and collaborates with an international network of innovators and thinkers. The Agile Reloaded UK team has been active in London since 2020 and supports local companies in applying agile principles.
From the needs that emerged in the field, Agile Reloaded decided to launch Human Reloaded, a new initiative dedicated to the educational growth of people in the company.
Agile Reloaded chose Thanks Design to create the brand and website of this new reality.

Brand Design

To design the new brand, we started with a series of generative workshops with the people of Human Reloaded. The name was the only certain element of our client; everything else had to be built together.

Through our brand canvas, we explored and divergently brought out the core elements of the brand and worked on brand personality, values, and tone of voice.

From this activity, the face of Human Reloaded began to emerge, a strongly people-centered and empathetic brand, capable of looking as closely at the needs of companies as it does at the needs of individuals.

Passionate, down-to-earth, funny, versatile…These were the main traits of the brand personality, characterized by an informal, pragmatic tone of voice with just the right balance between serious and funny.

The new visual identity

Regarding the visual identity, we collected, through a workshop, a number of inspirations, suggestions and expectations from the working team. The arrow, the bow and the human being, were among the most frequently mentioned symbols.

We then worked behind the scenes to generate initial logo and visual identity proposals, which were immediately validated with the people involved. Through a series of iterations, we arrived at the final logo and visual identity. The graphic sign of the logo consists of a geometrically stylized human figure, expressing the centrality of the person.

The body of the figure is formed by a double arrow, which is meant to represent the growth of the person as it proceeds in parallel with that of the company. The colors chosen, which turn from yellow to orange, express the sunshine and vitality of the new brand.

The visual identity was enhanced by a series of illustrations, created ad hoc by our designers, and used to support the narrative of the new brand with an informal and engaging style.

The website

The website project was conducted in parallel with the brand work. Through interviews and workshops, we identified the main hypotheses of the personas and their related journeys. After that, we began to hypothesize initial information architecture and wireframe proposals. Once the site and page structure was approved, we moved on to stylizing the interfaces, translating the newly approved brand identity. The result was a site that is as fresh as it is simple, in which person-centeredness is the common thread linking every piece of content.

The results achieved

  • 1 Brand built together with the company's people
  • 2 Months from branding to go-live
  • 1 One integrated brand experience across all touchpoints
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