User testing and UX metrics

Measuring the value of a product's UX to enable continuous improvement

A sprint to understand the usability issues that plague users and find appropriate solutions with input from the entire team.

A system for measuring the value of a product built on the specific needs of every project.

When designing a product, there are no certain answers, but hypotheses that we need to validate with end-users. With each significant software increment released, we need to conduct a validation sprint in which we measure the value generated in terms of usefulness, usability, and end-user enjoyment.

understanding “what”

Usage statistics

User testing


understanding “why”


User testing

Field observations

A sprint made up of interviews, user testing, quantitative analysis, and workshops to understand user issues and find appropriate solutions.

bringing problems to light

Interviews and questionnaires

  • End-users
understanding motivations

User testing

  • End-users
sharing solutions


  • End-users
  • Stakeholders
  • Team
prioritizing activities


  • Product Owner
  • Team


Finding the proper metrics to measure product value.

Quickly identifying issues and solutions.

Enhancing a product’s performance.

Improving user experience.

Get in touch

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